Regulatory Framework

The company Ktiriakes Ypodomes S.A. is a state-owned limited liability corporation. KTYP’s share capital is composed of one stock retained by the Hellenic Republic.

The company’s current Board of Directors was appointed with the common ministerial decision ΔΝΣα/οικ.816/Φ.50ε of 8 January 2016 [Government Gazette 8/ΥΟΔΔ of 13 January 2016] while its first Board of Directors was appointed with the common ministerial decision Δ16γ/06/549/Γ of 19 December 2013 [Government Gazette 647/ΥΟΔΔ of 30 December 2013].


The above legal texts are dissolving and merging into one new corporation three government-owned construction enterprises:
  • The School Buildings Organisation S.A. [SBO – in Greek “Organismos Scholikon Ktirion A.E.”/OSK – “Οργανισμός Σχολικών Κτιρίων Α.Ε.”/ΟΣΚ] including its enlarged competences since December 2011
  • The public enterprise for the construction of hospitals DEPANOM S.A. [in Greek “ΔΕΠΑΝΟΜ Α.Ε.”]
  • The public company for the construction of courts of justice and correction facilities Themis Constructions S.A. [in Greek “ΘΕΜΙΣ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΑΣΤΙΚΗ Α.Ε.”].
The merger took place in two distinct phases:
  • The first phase was completed with the inclusion of KTYP S.A. to the national companies’ registrar [Greek official journal 8363/ΑΕ-ΕΠΕ & ΓΕΜΗ of 27 November 2013]
  • The second phase was completed with the inclusion of Themis Constructions S.A. to the new scheme as of 1st August 2015. Until then, Themis Constructions S.A. continued operating independently